Religious Links
SunnySide Fellowship
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Devotion/Discussion Building Web Sites:

In Touch Ministries (Daily Devotional of Charles Stanley Distributed monthly). After selecting the site, click on Monthly Magazine, then select item of interest for devotional. I have found the Mighty in Spirit section very useful.

Gods Word Today (Daily Devotional of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals distributed monthly).

Table Talk (Daily Devotional of Ligonier Ministries distributed monthly).

World Wide Study Bible (Page with access to the entire Bible in many versions).

Web Locations for other ministry topics of interest:

MinistrySearch.Com (Recommended site for those who are called and who are seeking positions within ministry. The site is often updated and features an e-mail notification where you can be updated whenever new positions are available.

The Evangelical Church Alliance is an Incorporated organization of Evangelical ministers believing in the fundamental principles of the Bible, who have banded together to contend for the Word, combat modernism and all false doctrine, and to lessen the spirit of sectarianism and dissention. Information about licensing and ordaining ministers is provided.

Steiger International (Page of International Christian Outreach, click on Delhi House to see works and needs in New Delhi). The staff at SunnySide Fellowship can personally testify to the good works of this organization. Note that there is a place on the page to click concerning donation and assistance.

Food for the Hungry (Page of a great organization that provides food and the Word to those in need).

SunnySide Fellowship * 5505 Heritage Hills Circle * Fredericksburg * VA * 22407