Guidelines for Participants
SunnySide Fellowship
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Guidelines for Leaders and other Participants at the Men's Prayer Breakfast (or Rules of Order and Expectations)

Concerning the need to stay on time, some ground rules need to be followed by the group. These are relatively simple but if ignored, the rest of the schedule will suffer.

o Arrive by 7 AM a little early is better than late!

o Order breakfast as soon as you arrive this will all arrival and eating prior to prayer time.

o The Devotional will start promptly at 7:15 AM this means the Leader for the day will have to eat during the discussion period of the devotional prior to prayers.

o The Prayers start promptly at 7:35 AM Devotional discussion must end by that time. Those who want to continue devotional discussion can do so after 8 PM or do so at another time.

o At the end of the Devotional period, the devotional leader can ask if there are any special prayer requests. Our group found it helpful to just write these down as short notes as the requests were stated. This was good for two reasons. The Leader or participants can address some or all of the specific prayer requests during the prayer breakfast and the specific needs can be used while praying during the week.

o The prayer Leader starts off the praying. This does not have to the same person each time. Change it around or have the devotional leader ask if anyone would like to lead off the praying.

o After the Leader stops, any others may pray in turn as the Holy Spirit leads them.

o LONG is not good for the prayer breakfast! Always be considerate and remember to give your brothers a chance to pray!

o If there is a minute of silence it is a signal for whoever has been asked to close the prayer to do so.

o Short periods of silence are alright.

o After the prayers are finished, those who need to leave can leave and others can stay and talk, depending on the nature of the facility providing the breakfast.

o Some restaurants may have no problem with your group staying for as long as the desire during the morning. Others may have other ideas. Be sure to discuss this with the management prior to initiating your prayer breakfast. If one site does not work, try another.

o Finally, remember who you are talking to!

SunnySide Fellowship * 5505 Heritage Hills Circle * Fredericksburg * VA * 22407