Background of the Men's Prayer Breakfast The Men's Prayer Breakfast in New Delhi, India was an idea that came at
the same time to Mark Grussendorf and Roy Pendergraft while they were living in India, during the July to August 1999 timeframe.
They were working at the U.S. Embassy and realized a need for men to come together on a regular basis to pray.
After some preliminary planning, the group began meeting on September 10, 1999, at the Embassy restaurant, though
on occasion it met at another site due to site availability, changes in membership, or the desires of the group at a particular
point in time. Generally, the meeting started at 7 AM and was finished at 8 AM with follow on discussions continuing until
about 8:30 AM. Attendance varied from 6-8 people, up to 12-15, and depended on the time of year and the work and
travel schedules of the men. The group was dynamic in that it included many who were in New Delhi only for a few days as well
as those who attended more regularly. The group can only be characterized as multi-cultural and multi-denominational.
The reason for this was that the two founders were both attending Delhi Christian Fellowship, a multi-cultural and multi-denominational
Christian Fellowship that worshiped together every Sunday morning at the Hyatt Hotel in New Delhi. The initial group of men
came from Delhi Christian Fellowship and then grew to include all those who wanted to attend and participate. So membership
included people from India, as well as businessmen and others living in New Delhi, and some who were just traveling through
and who had heard of the Men's Prayer Breakfast from a friend. The group still meets at the U.S. Embassy Restaurant
to this day, with occasional meeting at other locations in New Delhi as desired by the group.