Format of the Men's Prayer Breakfast With the time constraint of one hour, the group at first experimented
with how it could force arriving, introductory chitchat, ordering breakfast, discussion/devotional topic, eating breakfast,
PRAYING, and any special business into the allotted one-hour! The arrangement that seemed to work for most
days was: Event Time Comment Arrival 0645-0705 Restaurant ready
Ordering Breakfast 0700-0710 Ordered upon arrival Devotional 0715-0735 Leaders
introduces topic with background, group discusses and
adds PRAYING 0735-0755 Designated person starts
All participate as desired; Designated person
closes Closing Comments 0755-0800 Special notes for next
meeting or information on people coming or going
from New Delhi Follow on Talks 0800-0830 Discussion with new
members or talks about Christian activities All Depart
0830-0835 Based on Restaurant and participants